Installing sqlcmd without SQL Server

I just ran into a need for sqlcmd without SQL Server. I’m on Windows Server 2016 Datacenter. I installed Microsoft® ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server – Windows, with filename  msodbcsql.msi Installed from This is a dependency for Microsoft Command Line Utilities 11 for SQL Server, with filename MsSqlCmdLnUtils.msi  I installed from I chose the 64-bit versions of both. […]

Set up an SMTP Replay (or smarthost) in Windows 2012 R2 with PowerShell

I just set up for our servers that need to send mail, we have a smart host relay to sendgrid. Part of the setup is done via PowerShell, part through the GUI. If you can direct me on how to configure the additional steps via PowerShell I would be keenly interested and would update this […]

Install SQL Express 2014 or 2016 from PowerShell

This may be useful for some folks out there. While the documentation on SQL Books online for command line installs is extensive, the examples there are limited, and the troubleshooting steps are not described clearly. You will need to download the SQL installer iso or files and mount or extract them, and locate the setup.exe. […]




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